


November 11, 2018

As a practice we’ve seen a lot of inquiries about Sinuplasty during 2016. I first started doing balloon Sinuplasty in the office in 2009. Balloon Sinuplasty is less invasive than conventional sinus surgery and offers a speedy recovery. Conventional sinus surgery, known as functional endoscopic sinus surgery or FESS, is considered only if medical treatment […]

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Dizziness vs. Vertigo.  Are you experiencing dizziness or could it be vertigo

Dizziness vs. Vertigo. Are you experiencing dizziness or could it be vertigo

November 7, 2018

Dizziness versus Vertigo When someone says “I feel dizzy” what exactly do they mean? Dizziness can be described in two different ways; lightheadedness and vertigo. Lightheadedness can be described as feeling like you are going to faint or pass out. You may feel dizzy, but do not feel like you or your surroundings are moving around […]

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Skin Testing – Allergens

Skin Testing – Allergens

October 8, 2018

Properly testing for allergies is the important first step towards addressing and ultimately eliminating any allergy or related symptoms. For allergy testing to be conclusive, it is critical your testing be conducted by a highly skilled and experienced allergy office. Michigan ENT & Allergy Specialists are exactly that. We perform skin testing for over 50 […]

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Pollen Count

Pollen Count

June 6, 2018

It’s that time of year, allergies are at an all-time high. Everywhere you go, people are noting their frequent sneezing, watery eyes, scratchy throat, etc. etc.! So how do those with allergies plan for times such as this? Pollen Count Pollen count is the measurement of the number of grains of pollen in a cubic meter of air. Some websites provide […]

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February 13, 2018

Psst!  Your dreams have finally come true! There’s a non-surgical method of getting rid of stubborn fat cells, with little-to-no downtime!   We offer CoolSculpting, which is an in-office treatment that reduces 20-25% of fat cells with each treatment.  We are born with fat cells and develop more cells until adolescence.  After adolescence, the number […]

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ABC’s of Skin Care

February 6, 2018

Skin carcinoma, or skin cancer, occurs as an abnormal growth of cells. It is by far the most common type of cancer. Often, the head, neck, and arms are found to have cancerous lesion, due to the fact that these areas have more sun exposure.  A helpful identifier for any concerning lesions can be applied […]

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A Review of Tinnitus: Importance of Relaxation Techniques

A Review of Tinnitus: Importance of Relaxation Techniques

January 23, 2018

Tinnitus (TINN-a-tus) can be defined as the perception of sound, such as a ringing, buzzing, or hissing, that is not actually present in the surrounding environment. It can be temporary or long term, and even vary in intensity. Tinnitus should be thought of as a symptom and not a condition itself. It is most commonly […]

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Allergy Avoidance Techniques: Things You Never Thought Of

Allergy Avoidance Techniques: Things You Never Thought Of

January 22, 2018

Think you’re fully prepared for allergy season? Think again! Avoidance Techniques You Never Thought Of… HEPA FILTRATION A HEPA filter, or a High-Efficient Particulate Arresting Filter, is a type of filtration system that needs to meet certain standards of efficiency as set by the United States Department of Energy in order to receive HEPA designation. […]

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Balloon Sinuplasty: The Fix for Sinusitis

Balloon Sinuplasty: The Fix for Sinusitis

January 16, 2018

Sinusitis affects 37 million Americans annually and although medications may help the majority of people, there are still many that require additional procedures for relief of their symptoms. One procedure that your Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) doctor may recommend is a Balloon Sinuplasty. Balloon Sinuplasty is a safe and effective sinus procedure for chronic sinusitis patients seeking relief […]

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